Reverse Engineering with objdump

objdump is a program for displaying information from binaries. It can be used for showing different aspects of the object file. By default, it generates AT&T assembly, but you can change this with the -M intel option.

  • disassemble everything - -D

    objdump -D <binary> -M intel

  • display sections headers - -h

    objdump -h <binary>

  • print private headers - -p

    objdump -p <binary>

    Note the flags on the private headers. If the x flag is on, then that section is executable.

Tracing syscalls with strace

strace is a program for tracing what system calls a binary issues during runtime. It can be used with the following basic syntax:

strace <binary>

Note, that if the binary is in your current working directory, you will need to prepend ./ to its name because strace works with processes and not the actual stored binary.

Tracing library calls with ltrace

ltrace is rather similar to strace, but instead of system calls, it traces calls to functions in certain libraries. The syntax for it isn't unlike that for strace.

ltrace <binary>

Note, that if the binary is in your current working directory, you will need to prepend ./ to its name because ltrace works with processes and not the actual stored binary.